Vincent, A rebellious high school student is stuck in a classroom during after-school detention and finds himself trapped as sentient basketballs begin to take over the world. Vincent struggles to survive as he listens to the events unfolding over the radio. Vincent, A rebellious high school student is stuck in a classroom during after-school detention and finds himself trapped as sentient basketballs begin to take over the world. Vincent struggles to survive as he listens to the events unfolding over the radio. Vincent, A rebellious high school student is stuck in a classroom during after-school detention and finds himself trapped as sentient basketballs begin to take over the world. Vincent struggles to survive as he listens to the events unfolding over the radio. Vincent, A rebellious high school student is stuck in a classroom during after-school detention and finds himself trapped as sentient basketballs begin to take over the world. Vincent struggles to survive as he listens to the events unfolding over the radio.